On World environment day Electro Cirkel retail proudly presents the designs for the new Calex Packaging of the regular lighting portfolio. As of today, no more PET packaging! We evolve our business practice by incorporating sustainable developments into our business model. This has a positive impact on social, economic and environmental factors. Regarding the latter we have guaranteed to only make use of PET for our regular bulbs portfolio in order to be compliant with the Europen Union’s strategy for plastics. By 2030, all plastic packaging placed on the EU market should be reusable or recyclable.
Plastic waste
Currently More than 60 % of plastic waste still comes from packaging, but only 40% of that packaging is recycled. The recycling and collection rate for paper and cardboard is the highest of any packaging material at 83% and 92.5% respectively. (Sources: PlasticsEurope and Eurostat).
Therefore we have decided that although the current PET packaging is a very good material (if recycled) we also need to focus on the social factor of our Corporate responsibility. Most Europeans back measures to cut plastic waste. With 87% of Europeans worried about the environmental impact of plastic, and 74% worried about its impact on their health, people have the drive to tackle the plastic challenge. (Source: Eurobarometer)